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Principal's Message

Dear Silver Sands Warriors,

Our faculty, staff and students are very excited and optimistic about the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.  We start this year after having earned a highly effective School Grade of B for 2021-22.  That accomplishment occurred in a State that has one of the top five most rigorous academic learning standards in the country.  It also occurred while schools, businesses and families battled with the impact of COVID-19.  Regardless of what challenges came our way, our students and staff remained determined and continued to move forward.  That same strength and resiliency is evident in this first two weeks of school as we embark on a new school year together.

In addition to academics, our elective programs continue to be some of the highest decorated in the district.  For example, our band, chorus, and dance programs earned the highest possible rating of superior at Music Performing Assessment competitions.  This year we bring on board an Orchestra Program that is the only one offered at a middle school in the Ormond, Daytona Beach, and Port Orange areas. Our Spanish Program had eighty-nine students earn top honors at the World Languages Festival.  Our students in the agriculture Future Farmers of America Program earned top honors at the Volusia County Fair while presenting the farm animals housed on our property.  Our technology programs trained students in the use of popular software programs that will help them be more successful in their academic studies.  What is even more impressive is we had seventy-nine of our eighth-grade students in Digital Information Technology, a high school course, earn Industry Certification in HTML.  And finally, we have hired a pastry chef who is taking over our newly renovated culinary program.  We cannot wait to taste the sample of food our students will prepare in that program!

As I mentioned earlier, we are looking for great things to happen again this year at Silver Sands.  With the continued focused efforts of our students and staff, along with continued support from our families and community, we will be one of the highest performing middle schools within Volusia County Schools.

Kind regards,

Dr. Inge