Parent & Students
Warrior Pledge
As a Warrior, I will give my personal best, show respect and responsibility, have integrity, dependability, and encourage all others.
Physical Education uniforms are $20.00 for shirt and shorts, CASH ONLY.
Lockers - $10.00, CASH ONLY
504/PST Contacts
Policies, Procedures and Expectations
- Supervision starts at 9:00am for students and ends at 4:30pm. Before 9am students wait at parent pick-up and after 4:30pm access to campus limited to parent pick-up
- Before the Bell is school district program for those needing to drop off early. Contact school for more information.
- No student check out after 3:40pm
- Parent teacher conferences offered virtually
- Keep students home if they have a fever 101.4+, vomiting/diarrhea, sore throat, headaches/body aches
- Please utilize Parent Portal to keep up with your students grades
Student Agenda
IMPORTANT NOTE: Check the Student Agenda for information concerning homework & assignments. Student Agendas are very useful communication tools for parents.
The Student Agenda is designed to assist each student with organizational skills. It is a vehicle of communication between the home and school; therefore, the student must have the Student Agenda in each class. Students are to put all classroom information in the agenda . The parent(s) should check and sign the agenda on a daily basis. If a parent writes a comment for the teacher, it is the student’s responsibility to show the note to that teacher. Each team will establish their Student Agenda policy at the beginning of the school year.
Device Distribution during Schedule Pick-Up
- The 1:1 Acknowledgement Form if you want to receive a laptop from SSMS. (Print, complete, and bring with you on the day of schedule pick-up.) 1 to 1 Acknowledgement Form
- A BYOT guide if you want to purchase or use your own device BYOT Buying Guide
Student Handbook for 2021 thru 2022 School Year
Student Handbook 2021-2022 (The 2022-2023 Handbook is being revised)
A more legible Electronic Information Services (EIS) Acceptable Use Agreement is available - Click below:
VPortal and Office365
Students have access to an incredibly useful tool in Office365. Specifically, students can not only access all of the Microsoft Office Suite products (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) through the internet, but also install the programs on up to 5 personal devices for FREE. To access Office365 and other learning technologies as well as helpful applications, students should log in to VPortal using his/her alpha code as the username and 8-digit birthday as the password.
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Hello, Parents,
Would you like to celebrate your students' success! Please check out the flyer below or contact our yearbook sponsor, Suzanne Boss.